Frida hooking android part 4
In this post we will not use console.log
to print data, we will send
the data from the JS code to the python code for more processing, and then send the result back to the JS code to inject in the memory of the android application.
Example #4
package com.example.a11x256.frida_test;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class my_activity extends AppCompatActivity {
EditText username_et;
EditText password_et;
TextView message_tv;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
password_et = (EditText) this.findViewById(;
username_et = (EditText) this.findViewById(;
message_tv = ((TextView) findViewById(;
this.findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (username_et.getText().toString().compareTo("admin") == 0) {
message_tv.setText("You cannot login as admin");
//hook target
message_tv.setText("Sending to the server :" + Base64.encodeToString((username_et.getText().toString() + ":" + password_et.getText().toString()).getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT));
Lets say that this app has client side validation, that prevents us from entering “admin” as username, and we want to bypass that protection.
There are many ways to do this, for example we can hook the compareTo
function and return a non-zero value, but we will use another way.
We will hook the setText
, send its argument to the python code, perform required changes, and then send the new argument back to the android as follows:
console.log("Script loaded successfully ");
Java.perform(function () {
var tv_class = Java.use("android.widget.TextView");
tv_class.setText.overload("java.lang.CharSequence").implementation = function (x) {
var string_to_send = x.toString();
var string_to_recv;
send(string_to_send); // send data to python code
recv(function (received_json_object) {
string_to_recv = received_json_object.my_data
}).wait(); //block execution till the message is received
return this.setText(string_to_recv);
The argument of setText is sent to the python code, then recv function will wait for a JSON object sent from the python code.
The python code sends this JSON object as follows:
import time
import frida
def my_message_handler(message, payload):
print message
print payload
if message["type"] == "send":
# print message["payload"]
data = message["payload"].split(":")[1].strip()
# print 'message:', message
data = data.decode("base64")
user, pw = data.split(":")
data = ("admin" + ":" + pw).encode("base64")
# print "encoded data:", data{"my_data": data}) #send JSON object
print "Modified data sent"
device = frida.get_usb_device()
pid = device.spawn(["com.example.a11x256.frida_test"])
session = device.attach(pid)
with open("s4.js") as f:
script = session.create_script(
script.on("message", my_message_handler) #register the message handler