2 minute read


In the previous post, We were able to call function secret as soon as we attach our JS script into the target application process,in this tutorial we will be able to call secret multiple times, using Frida’s RPC (Remote Procedure Call).

Example #3

package com.example.a11x256.frida_test;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.util.Log;

public class my_activity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private String total = "@@@###@@@";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        while (true){

            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            Log.d("string" , fun("LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!"));

    void fun(int x , int y ){

        Log.d("Sum" , String.valueOf(x+y));

    String fun(String x){
        total +=x;
        return x.toLowerCase();

    String secret(){
        return total;


It is the same android code as example #2, differences will be in the JS and python codes.

//Javascript code
console.log("Script loaded successfully ");

function callSecretFun() { //Defining the function that will be exported
    Java.perform(function () { //code that calls `secret` function from the previous example

        Java.choose("com.example.a11x256.frida_test.my_activity", {
            onMatch: function (instance) {
                console.log("Found instance: " + instance);
                console.log("Result of secret func: " + instance.secret());
            onComplete: function () { }



rpc.exports = {
    callsecretfunction: callSecretFun //exporting callSecretFun as callsecretfunction
  // the name of the export (callsecretfunction) cannot have  neither Uppercase letter nor uderscores.


The JS code defines a function callSecretFun that we will call from the python code to call secret function from our Android app.

import time

import frida

def my_message_handler(message, payload):
    print message
    print payload

device = frida.get_usb_device()
pid = device.spawn(["com.example.a11x256.frida_test"])
time.sleep(1)  # Without it Java.perform silently fails
session = device.attach(pid)
with open("s3.js") as f:
    script = session.create_script(f.read())
script.on("message", my_message_handler)

command = ""
while 1 == 1:
    command = raw_input("Enter command:\n1: Exit\n2: Call secret function\nchoice:")
    if command == "1":
    elif command == "2":

These are the changes in the python code, i added an infinite loop to read input from the user, typing “2” will call the secretfunction, which will execute secret from the android app and will print its return value.


Script loaded successfully 
Enter command:
1: Exit
2: Call secret function
Found instance: com.example.a11x256.frida_test.my_activity@dfbf782
Result of secret func: @@@###@@@LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!
Enter command:
1: Exit
2: Call secret function
Found instance: com.example.a11x256.frida_test.my_activity@dfbf782
Result of secret func: @@@###@@@LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!
Enter command:
1: Exit
2: Call secret function
Found instance: com.example.a11x256.frida_test.my_activity@dfbf782
Result of secret func: @@@###@@@LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!LoWeRcAsE Me!!!!!!!!!
Enter command:
1: Exit
2: Call secret function
Process finished with exit code 1

We can improve the performance of the previous JS code by saving the objects found by searching the heap in an array, instead of searching the heap on every call, and since no new objects of my_activity class are created, we don’t have to update the array.

//javascript code
console.log("Script loaded successfully ");
var instances_array = [];
function callSecretFun() {
    Java.perform(function () {
        if (instances_array.length == 0) { // if array is empty
            Java.choose("com.example.a11x256.frida_test.my_activity", {
                onMatch: function (instance) {
                    console.log("Found instance: " + instance);
                    console.log("Result of secret func: " + instance.secret());
                onComplete: function () { }

        else {//else if the array has some values
            for (i = 0; i < instances_array.length; i++) {
                console.log("Result of secret func: " + instances_array[i].secret());


rpc.exports = {
    callsecretfunction: callSecretFun



example 3